Get support if you are sleeping rough
If you are sleeping rough in Tower Hamlets, you can visit our Day Centre just off Brick Lane for support and advice.
This is a warm, safe place where you can get a hot drink, breakfast and lunch, a shower as well as access to the internet and phone charging facilities. Visiting the centre can help you feel physically better in the short term and is also a good opportunity to talk to us about improving your situation in the long term.
If you believe our services can help you, or someone you know, please:
- Visit us between 9.30am - 2pm at The Dellow Centre, 82 Wentworth Street, London E1 7SA
- Or call us on: 020 7422 6752
- Or contact Streetlink to connect you with Outreach services in your area.
The next step will be speaking with our Advice and Support team.

Get support if you are homeless
We are here to give honest, independent advice about your options if you are homeless or think you may become homeless in East London. We work with adults 18 years and over.
One of our advice and support workers will work with you to see what your options are. They can advise on how to manage money, from getting the benefits you may need as well as the accommodation options you may have. In some instances, they may help you to return to areas where you may have a better chance of finding accommodation.
They can also help support you with any physical or mental health problems you may have, as well as help you work out what other services might be able to help you, both at Providence Row and in the local area.
As a first step towards accessing our services please call 020 7422 6752 to book an appointment with the Advice and Support Team.