Substance & alcohol use
Reset outreach and referral service is our harm reduction service. We support people with drug and alcohol dependency with a needle exchange as well as advice and support to overcome substance use disorders. We work in a non-judgemental and non-coercive way to help people improve their quality of life.

Support for physical health
We provide support to help you stay fit and healthy. We run regular health hubs and health fairs, these provide access to a range of services including: support with GP registration and health checks, sexual health testing and advice, substance use support and a needle exchange and vaccinations. Hot food is provided and anyone who attends, even to have a chat with one of the nurses, receives a supermarket voucher.

Support for mental health
Good mental health and wellbeing is just as important as physical health. Our outreach psychotherapy team provide specialist support for people in overcoming trauma in their lives. The team works with people with multiple, complex needs who often cannot access mainstream services. The team works across the City of London, Hackney and Tower Hamlets and meets people in their environments, whenever, wherever they choose.