Experience 5 days in the life of our clients by taking part in our 'Food Challenge'. Monday-Friday over 120 meals including breakfast and lunch are prepared at The Dellow Centre. These are the only meals that our clients will receive in a day.
This year we invite you to take on our inaugural ‘Food Challenge’ and get sponsored to live on 2 meals a day. Just like one of our clients. Pick 5 consecutive days between the 10th -31st October and follow the menu below…. Will you take the challenge?
Don't forget to donate your sponsorship collections here.
Below is a representative menu of what is served at Dellow Centre:

Below you'll find all of our delicious recipes for your challenge. Each recipe will feed 4 people, so there will be plenty to share with family and friends.
Images have been used for illustrative purposes only.
Disclaimer: We ask that by you participating in this challenge that you declare yourself medically fit to partake, and that you do so at your own judgement and risk. You accept that the charity will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expenses, which may arise in consequence of your participation in the challenge.