FAQs and Expectations | Providence Row

We are a busy day centre, working with a wide range of people. Our volunteering activities are directly linked to our service delivery and so it is vital that we are able to ensure that activities run smoothly and people are safe. 

We provide all volunteers with a Health & Safety briefing when they arrive at our centre as well as an overview of the work we do. Where possible, we will also show volunteers around our centre and provide further information on homelessness in London and how our charity is tackling it.
We expect that volunteers join us as agreed by their company, with an open mind and to follow staff instructions while they are onsite. We will provide companies and their volunteers with all the information they will need ahead of volunteering with us.

What is the process for arranging a corporate volunteering experience?

Once you have looked through the information here, please get in touch to book in one of our regular opportunities or to discuss anything further and we can let you know what dates are available. Once the booking is confirmed, we will send you a form to be returned to us at least two working days before the session takes place as well as an activity brief to be shared with volunteers. We will arrange for your company to be invoiced for the agreed amount.

What happens on the day?

On arrival, volunteers will be met by a staff member who will give a Health & Safety briefing and an overview of our work and the activity volunteers will be supporting that day.  After the session, volunteers will reflect on their time at Providence Row and have the opportunity to provide feedback and ask any questions they might have. Volunteers will have a safe space to store their belongings.

Will volunteers be safe at Providence Row’s day centre?

Volunteers will be given a full Health & Safety briefing when they join us and guidance on what to do in the event of an incident. We do work with vulnerable adults and incidents of challenging behaviour do happen occasionally – however, our staff are trained to handle these situations and volunteers are supervised at all times.

What should volunteers wear?

Our staff dress casually but we appreciate that corporate work places usually require a more formal dress code and volunteers often attend sessions as part of their working day. We’ll advise of particular dress requirements for activities such as the Gardening Challenges in advance, but we do recommend that you wear closed-in shoes when visiting our centre for any activity.

Can volunteers take photos at Providence Row?

It is our policy to not allow any visitors to Providence Row to take photos while they are onsite, whether using a camera or mobile phone. However, we are more than happy to take photos of volunteers during and after their activity, providing they give us their consent. Following the session, we will email the photos to companies and/or the volunteers who visited us. This policy is to ensure the safety and privacy of the people we work with.

What do volunteers say about their time at Providence Row?

We ask volunteers for feedback at the end of their sessions. Here’s what they tell us they enjoy most …
You can tell everyone really cares and wants to be here. It’s a very positive environment.
Beginners’ Computer Skills
Interacting with people. Providing support and encouraging people to have belief and confidence.
Beginners’ Computer Skills
Learning about the challenges faced by homeless people.
Lunch Challenge
 Feeling so welcomed and appreciated.
Gardening Corporate Challenge

Contact us

If you would like to find out more about corporate volunteering at Providence Row, or book opportunities, please get in touch so that we can begin working together to tackle homelessness in London:

Daisy Bell 
Corporate Fundraising Officer 

Direct Line: 07768 075389
Email: [email protected] 

Providence Row is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07452798 and registered charity number 1140192. Its registered office is at The Dellow Centre, 82 Wentworth Street, London, E1 7SA.
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